As we get close to the wedding, here’s some info you may want to know!


  • Mountain Bike Ride: Join Jack for a mountain bike ride on Emerald Mountain, Friday June 28. Meet 9:00 AM by the horse stables at Howelsen Hill (645 Howelsen Pkwy). Text Jack (970-367-7115) or on Matrix ( to sign up. Canceled due to forcasted rain.
  • Extended Family Barbecue: Extended Family is invited to a casual barbecue at the house starting 4:30-8:30 PM on Friday, June 28. Extended family only, please.
  • Shabbat Services: If you’re interested in going to a Shabbat service, you’re welcome to attend the Shabbat service with Har Mishpacha at 736 Oak St (Heart of Steamboat) from 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM on Friday, June 28. Everyone is welcome, including non-Jews.

More activities: See our Around Town page for other fun activities while you’re in town.

Wedding – Parking Info

If you’re planning to take a car to the house for the wedding, here’s what you need to know for parking:

Pahwintah St is a steep hill to climb! If you think you cannot climb up a steep hill, please let us know so we can reserve you a spot in the driveway. Otherwise, please don’t park in the driveway so we can save these spots for guests who need it. We do currently have some extra spots in the driveway available, so don’t hesitate to reach out if you think you may need it.

We will also mow a small trail connecting to the intersection of Douglas St & Thornburg St to our house. If you’re wearing appropriate footwear, you can park along Douglas or Thornburg St and walk this trail up to the house. Probably don’t take this route if someone in your group is wearing heels.

Additionally, our neighbors at 864 Pahwintah St (last house on the right) will be out-of-town, and have kindly offered their driveway for parking. There should be room for ~8 cars in their driveway.

Here’s a map to get an idea:

In general:

  • Avoid getting there via car, if you can! We will have plenty of bike parking. You can also take the free Yellow Zone shuttle to get there (note: shuttle service ends at 6:20 PM, so you’ll need an alternative way home).
  • If you are driving, carpool with others and reduce the number of cars.
  • If you’re able, use street parking further away and walk the last 2 blocks if you can.
  • Let us know if you need a driveway spot.
  • Be courteous of our neighbors and don’t block any driveways when utilizing street parking.

Wedding – Schedule

Here’s the approximate schedule for Saturday, June 29:

  • 4-5 PM: Arrive and socialize, appetizers will be served
  • 5 PM: Ceremony
  • 5:30 PM: Reception
  • 6:30 PM: Dinner
  • 7:30 PM: Havdalah Service
  • 7:45 PM: Dance Party

We look forward to seeing everyone soon!